Philanthropy is good business

As a local business, the impact you have on your community matters. So in honor of National Nonprofit Day, we thought it was the perfect time to talk about why philanthropy is good for your business.  

Whether your business gives back in the form of monetary donations, team-building volunteer days or hosting a drive, philanthropic efforts are a win-win for your company and local community.  

Benefits of Business Philanthropy

  • Strengthen community ties
  • Boost employee morale and engagement
  • Increases work-life balance for employees
  • Improve your standing in the community
  • Create networking opportunities and win-win partnerships
  • Build  high level marketing opportunities
  • Improve SEO
  • And more

From the list above it’s easy to see why Business Philanthropy is an important part of growing a successful business.  From increasing employee engagement to boosting company growth, investing in your community is worth the effort.

How to Build Philanthropy into your Business

  • Become a sponsor
  • Volunteer for team building events
  • Host a drive
  • Participate in community events
  • Partner with an organization in need

For more details on the benefits of adding a philanthropic element to your business and how to do it check out this great article over at Small Biz Club.

Example of Small Business Philanthropy

As a small business owner myself, I have had first hand experience with how philanthropy can strengthen your local community and boost business growth.  

When I owned & operated my women’s boxing gym, there were 2 events every year that were essential to my business culture, impact and marketing.  Every October I hosted a fundraiser workout & raffle at my facility to support a local young woman fighting breast cancer and in November I had a big team of my members participate in our community’s annual fundraiser 5k.  All of my members would rally together to invite friends and family to participate in these events and give back. Everyone was invested in having an impact and showing support while representing my business.

These events were important to my business and me, as the owner, for so many reasons. Along with raising money each year for causes that aligned with my company’s mission, my business was recognized in the local paper and on social media for our efforts and impact. But the true benefit of hosting philanthropic events like these was knowing my business could bring together my community and the local community to support those in need. 

So, no matter your business size or how much time you can give or money you can raise, remember your local business can make a difference and the effort is a win-win.

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